Sunday 18 August 2013


I, personally, LOVE CAMPING!!! But sometimes it can be a challenge to keep bugs and animals away or get a good sleep at night! But just so you know, as long as you don't do anything stupid and put on bug repellant than you will be fine! But first here are some 'must haves' for camping:

-Air mattress
-bug repellant
-mini/portable pots/pans/utensils
-Hiking shoes ( me)
-a lot of blankets!
-a flashlight
-a lockable cooler!
-portable sink (if you have one)
-portable stove/kitchen/bareque

So every time I go camping with my friends and family and something bad happens than we always have sort of like a plan like I mentioned! It's really helpful and works! So I highly recemend making one! Ok hope I helped and ill be updating again later! 😘

Ok so I LOVE to bake!!! Weather it's cupcakes, cakes, brownies, bread, or banana muffins you know I will be up to it! Now I don't really know how I could give "advice" on baking exactly but I can give you tips! First if you are a total nerd and love to get spunky and creative like me and my friends then I recemend checking out: Nerdy Nummies on youtube! It's a great channel about baking with a girl named Rosanna (ro) and she is a total nerd and I absolutely adore her videos! Anyways if you want to know how you can bake better here are some tips:
-always greese the pans!!
-Always follow the instructions if its out of a box or something!!
-if your icing a cake or something please listen to me, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ,ALWAYS!, wait until its cooled down to aply icing or your whole cake is ruined!!! Trust me I've made that mistake more than once!

Ok so those were some tips on baking and check up tomorrow or tonight for more! :)

Saturday 17 August 2013


To be honest "popular" people aren't any better than you! They just think so! And you don't always have to think "Populars" are bad people because they could have some serious stuff going on with life. But it doesn't give them the right to act that way. Now personal I know a lot of popular people that are very sweet inside and I think that's the way to go! If you want to be popular than dont act like a total show off to look "cool" in front of people. Now If popular people bully/make fun of you than ignore it and stay true to yourself no matter what!


Hello! So this is an advice column to help you guys out and it will be updated everyday or so! So my name is Mikayla and I live in Canada! You can ask me for any kind of advice and I will post it on my blog or inbox you about it! You can reach me on Facebook and MSN! :) So let me just tell you about myself. I'm a competitive dancer, live sports, and love helping others! I enjoy company and hate being alone! :p So if you guys have any questions please ask me:! :D so ill be updating sometime tomorrow but I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope I can help you in any way possible!